Monday, 28 February 2011

Double Page Spread Analysis

Here is the second double page spread i analysed. It is the inside of an edition of Kerrang.

Double Page Spread Analysis

Here is the first double page spread i analysed. It is the inside of an edition of NME.

Mood Board

Here is the mood board i created. The mood board includes lots of bands and things that are related to indie folk and indie rock.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Deyes High School Magazine Mock up

Here is the layout for my Deyes High School Magazine.

St Ambrose Barlow Newsletter

Here is an issue of the St Ambrose Barlow Newsletter that has been analysed by me.

Deyes High School Newsletter

Here is an issue of the Deyes High School Newsletter that has been analysed by me.

Monday, 21 February 2011

Theories - Semiotics, Feminism and Cohen's Moral Panic

Femenism refers to the defining and defending of equal opportunities for women. Feminism mainly focused on the issues with women, but because most femenists seek gender equality, it is arguable that mens rights and issues are also a part of feminism, also showing that men are also effected by sexism.

Semiotics is the study, analysis and signification of signs. Semiotics are mainly divided into three categories.These categories are Semantics: The relevance between signs and what there meaning is, Pragmatics: Relation between signs and the effects that they have on people and Syntactics: Relations of signs in formal structures.

Cohen’s Moral Panic
A moral panic is the feeling expressed by people about an issue that threatens or disturbs the social order. Cohen’s Moral Panic is the thoery that a moral panic occurs when something emerges that is defined as a threat to both societys interests and values.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Genre / Choice Analysis

The chosen genre for my magazine is both indie rock and indie folk, i chose these two genres because personally i listen to this type of music a lot. Bands like Mumford and Sons, Born Ruffians, Noah and the Whale, Arctic Monkeys and Beady Eye fall under the indie rock and indie folk music category, all these bands i regularly listen to and really enjoy their music.

    Arctic Monkeys

    Mumford and Sons

    Beady Eye

    Noah and the Whale

Deyes High Newspaper

Here is the newspaper for Deyes High i created. I created this on Adobe Fireworks.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Music magazines analysed

Here is the second magazine cover i analysed. It is the cover of a 2007 edition of Kerrang.

Music magazines analysed

Here is the first magazine cover i analysed. It is the cover of a 2008 edition of NME.